5 Ways to Prolong the Life of Your Stove

A solid fuel stove (multi-fuel and wood varieties) is a significant cash investment and so it makes sense to look after it correctly to ensure it is well maintained.  Our years in the stove business has taught us a number of things and here are just five things you can do to keep your stove going for many years.

1. Sweeping

Emptying the ash pan as and when required is something you are likely to do on a pretty regular basis.  However, it is easy to overlook the flue.  Make sure that you sweep your flue at least once a year.

2. Recommended Dry Fuel

It is critical to always use the correct fuel for your stove as recommended in the manufacturer's guide which should come with your brand new stove.  If you are unsure always ask for professional advice.  Do not try and guess.

3. Not Over Firing

Having confirmed you are using the correct fuel in your particular stove, ensure that you do not overload with too much fuel.  Your installer will advise you at the time of installation what you should do and, of course, details will be in the manufacturer's instructions.

4. Regular Servicing

An annual service programme for your stove helps to ensure you have trouble free use throughout the year.

5. General Care

  • Take care to close the stove door firmly but gently ensuring an airtight seal.  Do not slam.
  • Take care with pokers and fireside implements and the stove glass is breakable.
  • Keep young children safe with a fire guard.
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